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Influence Of Designer Brands On Rap Culture

About Designer Brands In Rap Culture 

Designer Brands have always tried to spread their web of influence from rich upper class folks, to something more popular and widespread so that they could increase their profits. The latest addition to this has been rap culture. As one of the most popular and fast spreading influences in all of the United States and the world, companies saw an opportunity to exploit their success, and turn it into profit for them. Designer brands are now a large part of the rap and hip hop message, and it continually brings in new customers and demographics. 


These brands are the main brands that were founded around the 19th century. These brands ,along with many others, are the culprits of targeting rap culture and its influence on the United States for personal gain. This notion has not only sky rocketed profits for designer companies, but has also created some issues in society.

About The MaiN Companies

Designer brands are known as a high luxury or fashionable clothing, that is made by or carrying the label of a well known fashion designer. The main companies that will be addressed in this website are as follows: Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Balmain, Hermès, Givenchy, and many others. These companies mentioned above either all were founded in Italy or Paris, which are two hubs of designer clothing in the world. Their prices vary from anywhere to 100 dollars to thousands for just a shirt, as that has become the new wave: spending a lot of money on clothes. Below I have attached the links to a couple of the most famous designer clothing brands in the world if you are interested in learning more about them. 

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